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Debriefing the First Evaluation Campaign
On November 12 and 13, a debriefing workshop focusing on the results of the first evaluation campaign took place at the ICT facilities in Pfinztal, Germany.
During the workshop, participants engaged in detailed discussions, sharing insights and feedback aimed at refining the project and ensuring its continued success moving forward.

CONVOY First Evaluation Campaign
Between September 16 and 26, the first evaluation campaign for the CONVOY project took place at the FOI facilities in Grindsjön, Sweden.
The primary goal was for the consortia to integrate the different components of the system, to conduct field tests, and to gather crucial data for future improvements.

6th C-IED Technology Workshop
From May 28 to 30, the sixth edition of the “C-IED Technology Workshop”, organized by NATO’s C-IED Centre of Excellence (C-IED CoE), took place at the Meliá Sevilla Hotel in Seville, Spain.
This biannual event brought together the international community involved in the fight against improvised explosive devices, during which the CONVOY project was presented,
CONVOY (ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detectiOn sYstem)
The CONVOY project will combine sensing technologies for the detection and recognition of hidden threats, including improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and landmines.
The CONVOY project is conducted by a consortium of European companies with expertise in demining and IED detection projects, as well as expertise in tactical cloud infrastructures, artificial intelligence, and information fusion projects.

key Events
Field Campaigns
Field evaluation campaigns are useful incremental processes to collect data, validate algorithms, and improve the system.

Campaign #1
The goal of the first field evaluation campaign is to perform an initial assessment of the CONVOY system.

Campaign #2
The second field evaluation campaign seeks to improve the system presented in the previous campaign.

Campaign #3
The main objective of the third field evaluation campaign is to enhance the CONVOY system.

Campaign #4
The last field evaluation campaign aims to present de final CONVOY system and the obtained results.
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